Donate via Standing Order

Standing Order Form
Setting up a monthly standing order to help The Spectacle Makers’ Charity is very easy.
We recommend a voluntary donation of £20 per month for Liverymen and £10 per month for Freemen but every little helps and regular donations can be as small or as large as you wish.
Click here to download a form. Standing Order form 2023
Once completed please print and send the signed form to your own bank. Please do not send the form to the WCSM address as this will delay setting it up. It's even easier to contact your bank by phone or online, providing them with our account details and the date when you would like your donations to start:
The Spectacle Makers’ Charity
Bank: Lloyds plc
Sort Code: 30-90-89
Account Number: 55758268
For international payments please use the IBAN: GB05LOYD30908955758268; BIC LOYDGB21256
To make sure that we can identify your donation easily, please add a reference of your initial, surname and first part of your postcode eg GSMITH/SS14. Thank you very much.
Remember too to download and complete a Gift Aid form and send that into the office with your Standing Order form if you are a UK taxpayer, so that we can reclaim an extra 25% on your behalf.
Corporate donations cannot attract Gift Aid but you may be able to claim tax relief by deducting the value of your donations from your total business profits before assessment for corporation tax.
Neither the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers nor The Spectacle Makers’ Charity are authorised to give legal, tax or financial advice. You may need to seek professional help for more complex transactions.